I Need Your Opinion

Now that our kitchen garden is in fairly decent shape, it's time to turn our attentions elsewhere in the backyard.

And I've got my eye on this unsightly area next to the neighbors shed. I think it's the perfect spot for a little kid-friendly play zone. Yes, I know, we already have a trampoline, but we're contemplating adding more. I know, right! It's a little crazy. But, we're generous like that. 
The thing is, in Chicago, we had two parks just around the corner from our house, but here we have to drive to our nearest park, which is always super crowded. And I'm telling you - I miss the easy access to a playset. Now that the girls are getting older, they want to be out climbing and swinging and generally wreaking havoc :)

So, we've broken it down to three options and I need your advice. 

Option 1. A two swing, swing set. 
Our neighbor has generously offered to relocate his no-longer-being-used swing set. Similar to the above picture, it has a metal frame and room for two swings.
This is, clearly, the most cost effective option. But we already have a swing in the front yard and I don't know how long this will hold the girls attention.

Option 2. A small, but standard swing set.
Probably the most expensive option of the 3, but also the most all around option that will offer all types of play - climbing, swinging, fort/imaginative play, etc. 
Again, it's a big investment and I wonder about the longevity factor. Tessa will be 6 this year, how many more years will she be using a playset?

Option 3. A Clubhouse. 
When I came across this image a couple of years ago, it literally stopped me in the my tracks. How cute is this? I think the girls would love it. We would perhaps include more play/activity areas like a climbing wall, ladder, tire swing, slide, etc, but fundamentally I wouldn't change the concept because it's just so stinking cute. 
But, the reality is, this will be expensive too and there's definitely a shelf life on a playhouse as well. 

So, you see, we really need your input! Tessa's birthday is quickly approaching and we'd like to have a decision by then. Tell us your thoughts in the comment section. Don't hold back. Please!

until next time,