Moss Balls

First, thanks to everyone for your well wishes regarding my 'just won't quit' cold.
I'm getting better, slowly, but surely!

Secondly, a gentle reminder to enter for a chance to win a $45 gift card to CSN stores - click here.
Don't miss out - the giveaway ends 3rd March!

And finally, today, I thought I'd share a really simple and quick craft that I made the other day.
Homemade moss balls.

You'll need:
styrofoam floral ball forms
bagged moss
spray adhesive

It's pretty self explanatory, but in case you want the play by play...
You spray the ball with adhesive in sections than separate your moss and stick to the ball.
I like that this photos looks like a moss helmet!

All together, this took maybe 3 minutes.
So easy.
And I love the natural look.

Check out this comparison - to the left and right are store bought moss balls ranging from $5 - $10.
I think mine holds up quite well - maybe a bit more brown, but definitely more 'real'.

What do you think?

Check back later in the week to see how I incorporate it into a new arrangement.

Until next time,