DIY Installations

If you don't know that we are in the middle of buying a new-to-us house at the moment, then it's clear that you've been living under a rock. Or at least not following along with the blog as much as I'd like you to be :)
We are fully ensconced in the research stage. Trying to figure out what we can tackle ourselves and where we need to hire the professionals. Enter Hometalk and their super easy to navigate site filled with DIY inspiration (among other things, of course).

I created a clipboard with 14 DIY installation projects that can be tackled in any home. Check it out here.
From stair treads to beadboard, kitchen hardware to gutters, board and batten to counters; there's a little here for everyone. 

Some personal highlights - as in projects we might tackle in our new home: new wooden stairs on the back staircase.

Kitchen Hardware.

Window screens. By far, one of the most random things I have learned since moving South - people don't like to use screens here, even though the bugs are awful. I simply do not understand it.

The idea of using rain water to water your lawn/garden has always been intriguing to me. Perhaps this will be the house that finally allows me to do it!

It's all here - from simple to complex. Which would you consider tackling?
Thanks, Hometalk, for contacting me and asking me to curate this DIY Installation Clipboard.

until next time,